En ba?ta yapaca??m? en sonda yapt?m [Oops!]ben bile bunu yaparsam vay halimize. Acaip k?zd?m kendime ha...
Dear users,
We apologize for the various problems introduced with cycle 0901. They are in general confined to a few addon formats: Wilco/Feelthere, FSC, PSS and F1 ATR. They are caused by a software issue with the data parser (not the source data), and are being complicated by previous internal communication problems. We are working hard to resolve the issues, but fear that they won't be completely resolved for the mentioned addon formats until Feb 1. We ask you for your patience and will do everything in our power to prevent them from happening again in the future.
The revisions will as usual be released free of charge for those who already purchased 0901.
We are sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you.
Navigraph Development Team DEN SEVGILERLE